Newsletter 2021

The link below is for the 2021 newsletter.
Cape LaHave Island…Have your say

Recently the MODL Council passed a motion to work with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust on creating a conservation easement for Cape LaHave Island to ensure that this special place is conserved through permanent, legal protection for current and future generations. Part of this project is public engagement, MODL is seeking your input into this important process. The decisions made about this beautiful and ecologically important piece of our community can last for generations to come so please take a moment and join the engagement process. Have your say at Engage MODL ( ) The consultation process will be administered […]
News letter 2020

This link is for the 2020 newsletter:
Cermaq no longer seeking license!

Cermaq is no longer seeking a license to operate in NS, is this a win? We at Friends of Crescent Beach look at this more as a temporary reprieve. We need to remain vigilant since there are other interests are still involved in developing open pen operations along the NS coast.
Cermaq update
The Nova Scotia government has granted Cermaq, the multi-national firm owned by Mitsubishi, “options to lease” six sites along the coast of Nova Scotia for open pen salmon farms. Visitors to their upbeat website are greeted by images and videos of smiling employees who, the website says more than once, are raising “happy fish” destined to become “Mother Nature’s super food”. They mention their open pen fish farms in Norway and on the West Cost of Canada, but neglect to say that Norway prohibits new open pen fish farms and that our own federal government promises, in a wishy-washy sort […]

More and more countries are prohibiting open pen fish farms because they are so destructive to the environment. The Friends of Crescent Beach Green Bay and Area Society is taking action to keep open pen fish farms out of Nova Scotian waters. The following is the content of the mail out which was sent to our members March 20, 2020 Dear Residents Fish farmed in pens open to the sea are diseased fish. Disease and infestation with parasites like sea lice cannot be avoided when 50,000 fish are crowded into a two acre area. In order to maintain a semblance […]
COVID 19 Update March 23 2020

From March 22, 2020 Nova Scotia Parks would like to inform the public that provincial parks, beaches and trails within provincial parks are currently closed to all visitors. Parking at provincial parks is prohibited. Any vehicles found in violation will be ticketed and towed. Under the Health Protection Act the province and local authorities will be enforcing social distancing and self isolation guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Nova Scotia, visit
2019 AGM

We invite all who are concerned about our beautiful beach, her shores and the health of our Ocean to join us at the annual AGM of the Friends of Crescent Beach & GreenBay society on Wednesday, August 21st 7:30 p.m. at the Petite Riviere Fire Hall. Ariel Smith from Coastal Action will speak on the plastics problem in our waters. David Hughes will give an update on the beach. Don Pentz Heron prints will be for sale. We will be updating our membership list and taking membership fees. Refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!
Speed limit

Crescent Beach is a rare gem, rarer still in that cars are allowed, it is generally understood that those who bring their cars on to the beach do so slowly, however this is not always the case, so it was felt that a speed limit needed to be set and posted. With this in mind we posted speed limit signs for the beach, after considerable discussion it was determined that 15k an hour on the beach was a sensible limit. There are children and dogs and playing on the beach, caution must be exercised at all times when taking your […]