Friends of Crescent Beach recently were made aware of plans to alter the Crescent Beach road footprint. The proposed changes would see an additional 2 meters cleared on both sides of the road, this is of great concern to not only the FOCB but many local residents and residents of Nova Scotia as a whole. This reduction of the dunes would seriously compromise the structure and integrity of the fragile dune ecosystems.
Over the years the FOBC have worked diligently to maintain, repair and rebuild the dune structures to ensure the health of the local seabirds and wildlife along with protecting the road.
The FOBC board immediately reached out to the government departments and staff involved in the preparation of the plans and the tender, along with our MLA Mark Furey in an effort to negotiate a stay on any work project until a thorough environmental assessment of the project’s impact of the Dune health could be conducted.
FOBC have managed to arrange meetings with both the Chief Engineer at the department of Transportation Roads and Infrastructure (TRI) and our MLA Mark Furey.
We are hopeful that these meetings will allow us an opportunity to present our case in defence of the dunes, and scientific evaluation of the proposed road work.
The members of the Friends of Crescent Beach are very much aware that there is a large public outcry regarding this, and have been asked by many persons how they can help us stay this project until such time as the proper scientific evaluations can be carried out, we welcome new members to join us.
Membership will help us demonstrate our strength in numbers, and will allow members of the public who wish to join us in the defence of the dunes to remain engaged by attending meetings and participate in this and future efforts to keep our beautiful beach healthy so that it may be enjoyed for generations to come.