Logo for Friends of Crescent Beach

The Friends of Crescent Beach was organized in the early 1980s as a successor to the LaHave Islands Communities Association (LHICA), formed in 1977 to oppose a proposal by Parks Canada to acquire Cape LaHave Island & expropriate other lands.  LHICA’s position was that the “common lands” status of Cape LaHave & its informal management by the community was working, that it protected important resource rights & the fishing industry, and that the community itself could continue to manage it informally.  LHICA was renamed as Friends of Crescent Beach, Green Bay & Area Society (the groups’ full name) in 1981, to clarify which “communities” these were, and to refocus on Crescent Beach and nearby common lands. By that time, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MoDL) had passed a resolution that was later passed by the Nova Scotia legislature, asserting the Cape as common land “forever”. Parks Canada acquired land at Port Joli instead, and today the public enjoys two areas blessed with vast sand beaches.

After the Cape’s status was resolved, the new group Friends focused on the area requiring more active management: Crescent Beach itself.  Dunes & the beach required informational signs, ecological research & protection, wood fences to break up large destructive waves, armor rock to prevent breaches, planting (of roses especially), parking & advocacy. Recycling boxes were built at either end of the beach, and Friends organizes several garbage pickup drives every year. To protect the dunes themselves, Christmas trees & other sturdy biomass are added to help retain sand blown from the beach side.  The dunes in turn protect the road.  Friends often intervenes between Transport, Lands & Forests & public.

F.O.C.B are also instrumental in providing informative and cautionary signage for the Beach and it’s visitors, our members have also provided bike racks and donated a bench for to relax and watch the sunset on.

Membership in F.O.C.B is open to anyone, we are always happy to welcome new members and encourage active participation in upkeep and protection of Crescent Beach.

Want to become a member? Click here to visit our membership page.



The F.O.C.B Board:
  • Kirsten Ellis
  • Deanna Harlow
  • Paul Harlow
  • Dave Hughes
  • Jean McHarg
  • Mike Robb
  • Peter Romkey
  • David Jordan
  • Stefan Battiston
  • Heather Romkey